So I have to say that I stole "two decades old" from my from my fantastic friend Skyylar. I didn't get to see her on my birthday this year which made me sad.. but she promised to visit soon so it's all ok. I had a fabulous birthday! I had to wake up early and go to a pre initiation thing for my sorority. That all went well and I got many birthday wishes during it which is always fun. After that my mom came to town to see me. We just wandered around the square and town all afternoon. I finally decided on a light blue puffy patagoinia for my birthday present. Of course they didn't have one in my size though so we had to order it. My mom and I had a great day together and it was great to see her! Later that night because of initiation we had a parents club silent art auction which was fun to walk around through. When we finished there Mom and I decided to eat at a place called
Snack Bar.. We had a fabulous dinner there. I had snapper and my mom had chicken. We shared some oysters for an appetizer. It was all very yummy!! Believe it for not I love raw oysters. I am usually such a picky eater. We finished our dinner at
Holli's Sweet Tooth. I have discovered teh best thing.. cake batter icecream with hot fudge and caramel. YYYUUUUUUMMMMM!!! After that I met up with my friends for a littel Miss America. I am obcessed with pageants!! By the way I thought it was the sweetest thing when it showed her parents crying! So sweet.. they were so proud! By then the night had gotten a little bland until someone mentioned the square and I quickly agreed we should go! As we drove to find a parking spot I could hear the great music flowing through the windows. This was going to be a great night! We had soo much fun dancing. By the time we got there we only had about 45minutes to dance before the bars closed. That was all the time we needed though! Our night finished with the "Hey Song" and "Slow Dixie". I can not think of a bette way to end it1 Everyone in the bar was shouting every word!! Birthday Success!! :)
Initiation was today! It was so weird to think it's been a whole year since mine! Wow how time flies! We had anchor cake at the brunch. This is a favorite at our house! Who doesn't love a giant cake in the shape of an anchor?! By the way, did I mention that my mom also brought a birthday cake for me that we had during the Miss America Party? Yea that means I had 3 cakes 3 days in a row. I'm defiantely not complaining though.. I love birthday cake! What a great birthday I have had!
Anchor cake.. and yes it is that big! I would guess around 5 or so feet.

This is the birthday cake my mom sent. Very classic cake with of course pink roses.

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