Wednesday and Thursday I studied oh so hard for a terrible test that I would almost say I would have done the same on.. study or not. But either way Friday night I stayed up till a whopping 3:30 AM! That is super late for me. I honestly think the last time I was up that late was probably in New Orleans last spring for Sigma Nu formal. Oh what great memories I have from that trip! I'm so upset that as of right now I won't be attending a New Orleans formal this year! Anyhow back to subject.. After staying up that late I got up at 6:30 that next morning. I have NEVER gotten that small of an amount of sleep.. except for the night before Senior Year where we never even went to sleep! All of this for a stupid physics test that was soooo difficult!!
Thursday afternoon I went to Booneville for a hair appointment and to grab lunch with
Megan. She has been begging for a meeting lately and I wasn't sure exactly why except that she missed me so terribly until we actually got to meet! We had a great lunch that ended with a trip to her car to get my birthday present. I had to open the card first. I didnt cry or even feel that overwhelmed at the time but now thinking back on it.. all those emotions are coming! She had written me this long letter that I will cherish forever asking me to be her MAID OF HONOR!! She included all kinds of memories we have shared like skinny dipping in my pool in elementary school all the way to making cheerleader for the first time together. We have so many memories together.. more than I have yet to make with anyone else! We have kept true to the statement.. BFF! I cant wait to start working on all of her wedding plans! This is sooo much fun already.. it's hard to believe it's getting closer to time to get married. Although it will be many many years before I tie the knot it's fun to think about and help Megan as her day gets closer!!
Friday afternoon a big group of "single ladies" went to see "Valentines Day." Seeing that movie really made me want to get flowers. However this is the first Valentine's day in years and years I haven't had a Valentine! I guess I will settle for buying my own candy and and lust over someone elses flowers.It's crazy how many couples I saw today.. just randomly strolling or sitting somewhere talking. Maybe next year...
Friday night.. Funky's called our names. A group of girls and I went out and danced and laughed the night away with only a small amount of drama from the opposite sex. All in all it was a fun night out that was greatly needed!
Saturday, today, for the most part has been totally worthless. Actually I take that back.. only worthless before 3PM. I attended a Valentines day party at
Azalea Gardens, a local nursing/ assisted living home. There was a singer who played their kind of music and they even elected a king and queen for the day. How cute! When I left there I got a strange desire for a cupcake and decided to go on a hunt for one. None to be found in Ox on the Saturday before Valentines at 4. Sad. So then I came back with my slice of chocolate cake from Newks and got ready for my 6:15 appointment with Miss Lily. Lily is one of the kids at the nursery I work at on Wednesday mornings. Her mom needed a sitter for tonight.. and I had no plans so I decided it was a great way to spend my night. We played and played. I even crawled threw a tunnel to get in her tent that i could barely sit up straight in AND sang her requested "Amazing Grace" outloud to her before she fell asleep.(my voices is by far the worst you've ever hear! And no music makes it even worse that imaginable) The things you'll do for a precious little 2 year old... but hey It was fun! Now I'm back in my bed and ready for a great nights rest.. until tomorrow!
Since I've been slacking on my blog.. and this entry's kinda long anyway... and I got way off topic a few times I decided to add a few pictures from way back that relate.. and are a little funny!
This is the big group that stayed up all night before our first day of Senior year! That night was so much fun and I will never forget it!!!! Love and miss all of you!!
This is that same night.. or morning I should say.. about 5AM I believe!
And this is the NOLA trip I was talking about!! The night had just begun here..SOOO much fun!! :)
And last but not least.. in honor of being maid of honor. I found this on a dry erase board hidded in my room. This has been written for atleast 7 year.. I don't think I could ever erase it even if I wanted to! How funny were we! Look at those sayings! ha